+merlan #flirora's website

Fabricking a path toward ŊCv9

Because haha funni R-word for Identifier

You might be wondering why there’s no ŊCv8. That’s because 8 is for sed users.

Goals of ŊCv9:


Even though /fʰ/ and /sʰ/ seem appealing, no plans to add new phonemes.

Add some more syllable codas (particularly /ns/ and /st/) that are reduced when not word-final.



Ŋarâþ Crîþ definitely doesn’t need all 12 of its cases. Some of them are rarely used because of core-packing.

Case Verdict
Nominative Definitely necessary.
Accusative Definitely necessary.
Genitive Used extremely often; probably should keep.
Dative Definitely necessary.
Locative Used quite often (for both locations and time); probably keep.
Ablative Not used very often; probably take out. I don’t want it to even to show the cause of something, since using the causative voice on the verb is more interesting. Temporal use can be moved to an adposition anyway.
Allative Mostly superseded by core arguments in movement verbs; discard.
Prolative Not worth dedicating an entire case and extra hair-pulling over; discard.
Instrumental Used moderately often; 50/50.
Abessive Used less often than instrumental, but here because ŊC has no single way to negate, so depends on whether the instrumental is kept.
Semblative I Rarely used, especially because it can’t be used predicatively (until very recently). Discard and replace with an adposition.
Semblative II Sometimes used on nouns, but it is also used with infinitives for the “as if” construction. Keep.

Also, add a “generic number” to use nouns to refer to a general idea rather than one or more specific objects.


Adpositions can become a kind of “verb”; call them relationals or something. Morphologically, verbs are optimized for predicative use and relationals optimized for attributive use. They are syntactically similar, however.

  Verbs Relationals
Finite form Finite conjugations Attached to a “scaffolding” (“copula”, if you think of it that way), which is then inflected as a verb
Modifying nouns Participle forms (marked for case of shared noun in both the embedded and the main clause, as well as the gender of the shared noun in the main clause) Close-to-bare form, perhaps marking for fewer categories than verbs
Modifying verbs Converbal forms Bare form
Case frame Fixed according to the verb Second argument is DAT by default, but can be ACC to use motion toward or ABESS to use motion away from

For verb conjugations:
