Final consonant cluster tests with Japanese voicebanks in SynthV technical preview versus production release
I’ve suspected for a while that the SynthV production release has more trouble pronouncing consonant clusters with Japanese voicebanks than the technical preview, so I’ve decided to make a test.
Setup: 4 bars of rest, followed by one Arka word every bar with 28 words total. No hacks to try to make it work.
Green cells indicated passed tests (all final consonants pronounced); red means failure. There was one case where Renri TP ‘passed’ but the pronunciation was not close enough to justify a green cell.
Word | Correct | Renri TP | Renri Prod | Genbu Prod |
haps | haps | hapo | hapɯ | hapɯ |
ets | ɛts | eːts | eːts | eːts |
miks | mɪks | miks | mikɰi | mikʷi |
kems | kɛms | keɾo | kemɰi | kemɰi |
gens | ɡɛns | ɡeɾo | ɡeni | ɡenə̯i |
pels | pɛls | peɾo | peɾi | peɾi |
hars | haɹs | haɾʲo | haɾi | haɾi |
kamz | kamz | kaɾʲo | kamɰi | kami |
vanz | vanz | vaɾ̃ʲo | vani | vani |
malz | malz | maɾz̥ | maɾi | maɾi |
elz | ɛlz | eɾz̥ | eɾi | eɾi |
kalp | kalp | kaɾuŋ | kaɾi | kaɾi |
elb | ɛlb | eɾb̥ | eɾʲe | eɾʲe |
velt | vɛlt | veɾt | veɾi | vˠeɾi |
eld | ɛld | eɾd̥ | eɾɰi | eɾi |
dalk | dalk | daɾk | daɾi | daɾi |
yulg | jɯlɡ | juɾɡ | juɾi | juɾi |
melx | mɛlʃ | meɾa | meɾi | meɾɰi |
xelj | ʃɛlʒ | seɾtɕ | ɕeɾɯ | ɕeɾɯ |
homp | hɔmp | homʲa | homɰi | homɰi |
domb | dɔmb | domb̥ | tomɰi | dˠomɰi |
sent | sɛnt | seni | seni | seni |
bend | bɛnd | benʲo | beni | beni |
ank | aŋk | haɾaŋ | hani | ani |
feng | fɛŋɡ | fenʲa | feni | fenʷi |
dakt | dakt | daːkt | dakɰi | dakʷi |
dagd | daɡd | daːgd | daːgd | daːgd |
sapt | sapt | sapo | sapi | sapɯ |
Main takeaways
- Renri always had trouble singing some final consonant clusters…
- …but she’s even worse in the full version of SynthV.
- Just use Eleanor and hope for the best.